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Stellar Blade Eve

Stellar Blade: Meet EVE, the Protagonist of the Post-Apocalyptic Action-Adventure

EVE: The Creation and Design

Stellar Blade, the upcoming triple-A action-adventure game exclusively for PlayStation 5, features EVE as its protagonist. Lead Hyung-Tae Kim designed EVE with a specific vision in mind: a character that would embody the game's unique blend of action, adventure, and post-apocalyptic storytelling.

EVE's Role in the Story

EVE is a member of the 7th Airborne Squad, an elite unit within a colony in space. The game's narrative follows EVE and her squad as they fight for survival in a devastated world, facing formidable enemies and uncovering the secrets of the apocalypse.

Gameplay and Combat

Stellar Blade offers fast-paced, third-person action combat that revolves around the concept of "grasping." EVE wields a unique blade that allows her to grapple and control enemies, opening up a wide range of strategic possibilities in combat.

Stellar Blade: A Triumph for Korean Developers

Developed by SHIFT UP, a Korean studio, Stellar Blade marks a significant milestone in the global gaming industry. It is the first triple-A title from a Korean developer to be released exclusively for a major console. The game's impressive visuals, engaging gameplay, and captivating storyline have generated considerable buzz within the gaming community.

Trailers and Character Vignettes

To showcase EVE and the world of Stellar Blade, SHIFT UP has released a series of trailers and character vignettes. These videos offer glimpses into the game's fast-paced combat, stunning environments, and intriguing characters.

Watch the new Stellar Blade trailer Take a look at the latest character vignette to meet the...


